Our Programs

ScholarSpark offers a wrap-around combination of one-on-one mentoring, coaching, tutoring, internship and job advising, plus financial support.

Coffee With A Coach

ScholarSpark’s fundamental offering is one-on-one mentoring with a ScholarSpark Coach. Because most ScholarSpark students are first generation college students, they and their families often need help with the unfamiliar: enrollment forms, student accounts, locating advisors, accessing student portals, registering for classes, and navigating the demands of college life.

We act as a sounding board and provide guidance on communicating with faculty and administrators, accessing campus resources, managing their time, and dealing with the unexpected. We offer a How-to-Go-to-College curriculum for our first-year students to address common questions and concerns. Coaches and students follow pre-semester planning sessions with weekly text check-ins and monthly in-person or virtual meetings. To access ScholarSpark’s other programs, students must be active in Coffee With a Coach.


Many ScholarSpark students are non-native speakers who experience difficulties with college-level English literacy and fluency. In addition, some are underprepared for the rigors of college-level work, especially in research and writing skills. We arrange one-on-one professional and volunteer tutoring on a range of academic subjects and have partnered with a local nonprofit that provides tutors who are professionally trained to help Multi Language Learners (MLL). We support with time management, assignment planning and self advocacy.

WorkSpark: Jobs and Internships

First generation college students generally don’t have social or professional networks to orient them toward careers and into jobs. WorkSpark supplements universities’ career services with networking opportunities, resume and cover letter preparation, informational interviews, interview practice, and basic business etiquette. Students complete an updated resume, cover letter and at least one informational interview.


ExtraSpark Fund

ScholarSpark’s Extra Spark Fund responds to a student’s unexpected needs and funds opportunities to improve students’ experience on campus. Over the years we have provided computers, software and graphing calculators. We have funded English language classes and textbooks, daily planners, summer writing/grammar workshops, and book clubs to strengthen students’ writing and reading skills. We fund enrichment opportunities that may be out of the reach of our students: important but not emergent costs, like a stipend for a life-changing unpaid internship, a flight for a study abroad program, and other costs that would make our students’ college experiences more equitable when compared to that of more affluent students.

Year 2+ Fund

ScholarSpark anticipates sponsoring a competitive application for last-dollar scholarship funding. We recognize that after their first year, many students have a financial gap because patchwork first year funding often includes an array of small ($1,000-$2500) one year scholarships that disappear, threatening their steady progress and creating extreme stress. Even small gaps are devastating for our students and are often the main reason students cannot complete their education.